Save to Server
Saving resources to the server
This is possible only when a server has been configured against the project. If there has been, then an option 'Save to Server' will appear in the Project section of the left pane. Clicking that link will display a dialog containing a list of all resources in the project (not just the currrent view), and a link to the upper right that will prepare the project for submitting resources.
Preparing to save
As part of preparing for saving resources to a FHIR server, the app runs 2 validation routines.
First, it uses sushi to rebuild the JSON for all the resources in the project. If there are errors, then they are displayed against the resource, and must be corrected before the resources can be sent to the server. Clicking the resource name will invoke the FSH editor.
Next the app calls the $validate operation on the server. If there are errors, then they will be displayed against the resource - however, it is still possible to send the resource to the server, and it will very likely be saved even if not conformant.
There is one validation error that will cause the save to fail however, and that is where a resource has a reference to one that is not on the server. Depending on the order that resources are sent, this will cause the resource to not be saved. However, simply clicking 'Send' again will generally resolve the issue (as the 'referred to' resource was saved the first time.)